******Please make Checks payable to******
Teri Collins ACS
19445 Ridge Rd.
Red Bluff, Ca. 96080
530.529.3476 or 530.526.8253 Cell 

Return Clippers To

Blade Sharpening
All clippers will be returned clean & oiled

Clipper Repair
Please explain the problem you’re having on reverse side

Cost of parts are additional to repair services 
Please package blades securely
We are not responsible for broken parts due to poor packaging
You will receive back all parts replaced
Return shipping will depend on size & weight
Clipper repairs May take up to 3 weeks to be returned

Sorry No C.O.D.s
Please include check or money order for payment Payable to Teri Collins ACS when you ship your blades.
We will return clippers once payment has cleared.
Thank You!

#of Small Clippers to be repaired:__________ x  $ 16.50 = $__________  

#of Large Clippers to be repaired:__________x   $ 21.50 = $__________   
                                                             Shipping to be Determined $                                     
                                                                      Please Call       
                                                                                                   Total Due: $__________


City:    ___________________________State:____________________ Zip:                           

Phone:(____)____________________ Fax:(____)___________________


#of  Small Blade Sets to be sharpened: __________  x $6.50 = $ ____________
​                      Size 2" side to side
# of Ceramic Blade Sets to be sharpened: _________x $7.50 = $ __________

#of  Large Blade Sets to be sharpened: __________  x $8.50 = $ ____________
                          Size over 2" side to side                    Return Shipping           $  8.50
                                 Total Due: $____________